Nclex Nursing Process

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By nclexnursing

Nclex nursing process is the assessment and implementation steps of the nursing process are a second method that might help you set priorities. As a nursing student, you’ve been drilled to memorize the steps of the nursing process—assessment, analysis, planning, execution, and evaluation—so that you can recite them in your sleep. You may have had some test questions regarding the nursing process in nursing school, but you probably did not use the nursing process to help you choose the proper answer on an exam.

You will be given a clinical setting and asked to set priorities on the NCLEX-RN® exam. For this clinical case, the answer options will include both the right assessment and execution. When both the proper assessment and implementation are provided, how do you choose the correct answer? Consider the following two steps in the nursing procedure.

The process of developing a data profile about the client and his or her health problems is known as assessment. Talking to clients, observing clients and/or significant others, obtaining a health history, providing a physical examination, assessing lab results, and cooperating with other members of the health care team are all ways that the nurse acquires subjective and objective data.

After gathering the information, compare it to the client’s baseline or typical levels. The client’s baseline may not be offered on the NCLEX-RN® exam, but as a nursing student, you have gained a body of knowledge. You must compare the client information you are given to the “typical” values learned from your nursing texts on this exam.

The first phase in the nursing process is assessment, which takes precedence over all other steps. Before you begin implementing nursing activities, you must first complete the assessment step of the nursing process. NCLEX-RN® exam takers frequently make the error of implementing before assessing. If you don’t access the airway before performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), for example, your actions could be hazardous!

Nclex Nursing Process
Nclex Nursing Process

Implementation refers to the attention you give to your customers. Assisting in the execution of activities of daily living (ADLs), counseling and educating the client and his or her family, providing care to clients, and supervising and evaluating the work of other members of the health team are all part of the implementation process. Nursing interventions might be self-contained, interdependent, or dependent. Independent interventions fall within the scope of nursing practice and do not necessitate outside supervision. An example of autonomous nursing intervention is instructing the client to turn, cough, and breathe deeply following surgery. Dependent interventions are based on a physician’s written directions. You should presume that you have an order for all dependent interventions that are included in the response choices on the NCLEX-RN® exam.

This may be a different perspective from what you learned in nursing school. Because the intervention requires a physician’s order, many students choose an incorrect answer on a nursing school test. “Trick question,” everyone says as they leave the exam review. It is critical to remember that the NCLEXRN® exam does not contain any trick questions. You should base your response on the assumption that any nursing intervention specified has a physician’s order.
Other members of the health team are informed about interdependent interventions. Nutrition education, for example, might be shared with the nutritionist. A respiratory therapist may assist with chest physiotherapy.


To build a pattern, read the answer selections. Use the Nursing Process (Assessment vs. Implementation) method if the answer choices are a mix of assessment/validation and implementation.


To determine whether you should be assessing or implementing, go back to the question.

STEP Three

Choose the best answer after eliminating the other options.
If you discover after Step 2 that the question is, for example, an assessment question, cross out any replies that obviously focus on implementation. Then select the most appropriate assessment response.

To answer this practice question, use the Nclex Nursing Process.

When a young child was riding his bike to school, he collided with the curb. He tripped and injured his leg. The school nurse arrived to find him alert and conscious, but in excruciating agony due to a potential right femur fracture. Which of the following is the nurse’s first course of action?

  1. Put a splint on the affected leg and tell him not to move it.
  2. Conduct a detailed investigation of the accident’s circumstances.
  3. For added comfort, place him in a semi-Fowler position.
  4. In both legs, check the pedal pulse and blanching sign.


You took the NCLEX and through the agony of waiting for your results. Your stomach fell as you looked at your results. You didn’t pass the NCLEX. So, what’s next? It might be stressful and upsetting to learn that you failed the NCLEX. It’s critical to give yourself time to process your emotions in the aftermath, and then to make room for the realization that this is just a setback and that you don’t have to give up your dream of being a nurse. Keep in mind that you completed your nursing degree successfully and that you still have plenty of chances to pass the NCLEX. Here’s what you’ll need to do next.

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